BREAKING: Harris County Moves To Restore Voting Rights For Jail Inmates
In an initiative supported by the Harris County Clerk's and Sheriff's Office, the Harris County Commissioner's Court voted to move...

Treating Violent Crime as a Disease
violence can be prevented and its impact reduced, in the same way that public health efforts have prevented and reduced pregnancy-related co

You Are Not Alone: Help for Hurricane Harvey Victims
As a fellow Houstonian, living through Hurricane Harvey and witnessing its impact has been heart wrenching and downright devastating....

Know Your Rights: 5 Key Things to Do When You Are Pulled Over by a Police Officer
Most of us have been pulled over by a police officer and would characterize the experience as uncomfortable at best. Whether the traffic...

Houston Police Department’s Acquisition of Body Cameras Could Prove Invaluable in Defending Criminal
In April of 2016, Sylvester Turner, Mayor for the City of Houston, announced that two-hundred Houston police officers had received body...

The Devil is in the Details: A Creditor’s Oversight Can Be a Debtor’s Saving Grace
When it comes to lawsuits based on credit card debt, lines of credit, and loans, attorneys for creditors typically believe they have...

No Justice: Prosecutor Bob McCulloch's Troubling Speech
Last night, America braced itself as word came that the grand jury decision in shooting death of Michael Brown by Officer Darren Wilson...

If Darren Wilson Is Not Indicted, Who's To Blame?
Yesterday the offcial autopsy report on Michael Brown that was leaked to, and released by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch sent shockwaves...

Eric Holder's Legacy-As Nation's First Black Attorney General
On Friday, Eric H. Holder, Jr. delivered a speech at the Voting Rights Brain Trust hosted by the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation...

Prince Sues Bootleggers for $22 Million
Prince has filed a $22 million lawsuit against 22 social media users for copyright infringement and bootlegging. According to the...